Earn's Art Journal
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
16/05/07 Art class
today in art class we continue doing the negative sapces. i've finish my work oready so next week i will work on the new project. the new project is going to be about the book that we are intrest in. it can be any language that we have. i will choose to do Joody Moody as this project. i chose this book because i like it and it is so fun.Wednesday, May 09, 2007
to day in art claas we've been working on the same project as last week. i've finish 2 of the paper oready. so i have to finish to 1 more to finish this project. i also walk around the room to see more info to improve my work or make it better on the next one.Monday, May 07, 2007
Art in class 2/05/2007
in art class on wednessday i've been working on my new project. we have to create 1 picture in 3 peace of paper. It should be connected, in each paper should have different kind of shade or tones of the color, and we have to only color in the background not a things. I've draw a picture of a table, girl and a tree. I have to paint all the hole inside the things, I also have to sheo the things by painting the background. It was so fun and i started painting oreadyThursday, April 26, 2007
Mae Nark Stage

How to make A Stage for the play?
1. Take equipment for the stage Shoe Box
Paint equipment
2. Chose your myth or legend
3. Start making a plan
4. Take your plan and ask for comment
5. Develop your comment
6. Chose your box size
7. Separate the box and the box cover
8. Use tissue that has put in glue already
7. Stick the tissue neatly in to the box and the cover
8. Wait for the box to dry or use a hair dryer before start painting
9. Color all around the box but it has to be related to the scene or the place
10. Cut white hard paper to be the backdrop
11. Draw/color the backdrop
12. Decorate the stage by putting wings or paint on the outside wall of the theater
13. Also write the name of the story and stick it somewhere that can see easily
14. Finish
My work compare to Kik work. Her work is better than mine because it was detail and very neat. This painting was better than the old painting that I’ve done. Because I learn things form mistake and then my skill gets better. I think my grade is going to be 5 because the backdrop was so messy. It was bad when I compare it to my friends. My successful was I paint the outside of the box very neat. I can paint it neat because I take time and I like painting big space. I’ve to improve to finish work on time to catch up and get less homework. I have to improve it by take less time on other things or made a deadline.
1. Take equipment for the stage Shoe Box
Paint equipment
2. Chose your myth or legend
3. Start making a plan
4. Take your plan and ask for comment
5. Develop your comment
6. Chose your box size
7. Separate the box and the box cover
8. Use tissue that has put in glue already
7. Stick the tissue neatly in to the box and the cover
8. Wait for the box to dry or use a hair dryer before start painting
9. Color all around the box but it has to be related to the scene or the place
10. Cut white hard paper to be the backdrop
11. Draw/color the backdrop
12. Decorate the stage by putting wings or paint on the outside wall of the theater
13. Also write the name of the story and stick it somewhere that can see easily
14. Finish
My work compare to Kik work. Her work is better than mine because it was detail and very neat. This painting was better than the old painting that I’ve done. Because I learn things form mistake and then my skill gets better. I think my grade is going to be 5 because the backdrop was so messy. It was bad when I compare it to my friends. My successful was I paint the outside of the box very neat. I can paint it neat because I take time and I like painting big space. I’ve to improve to finish work on time to catch up and get less homework. I have to improve it by take less time on other things or made a deadline.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
7 march 2007
Today i brought my shoe box and work on the stage thing. i start with working on the paper mache to make it hard on so it can paint easily. We have to make it very smooth so when we paint it will not crack or made our paint messy. it was very fun and i enjoyed it so much. but i doesn't think the myth or legend yet.Wednesday, March 07, 2007
The most
ReflectionThe picture that I’ve use is tree, paint brush, star, ice-cream, flower, bush, paint drop. I’ve use all of this image because it represents me a lot because the entire picture is all things that I like. They mean that it is me and what do I like.
List your favorite things.
Draw a margin on the edge of the paper.
Draw all of you favorite thing on the paper if you can.
Make a grid it can be curve or not straight.
Photo copy the paper.
Use the photo copy one to choose you tone and color.
Write all of the tone you want in each box.
Start to paint on the real paper on each box that you plan
walk around what can you fix with your one compare it to other
My work compare to Nutt. His work is good then my work because when he color he choose the dark color not to bright like my one. I think this work compare to other work that I’ve done in grade six this is the best one. On my grade I am happy with it because I know that I can’t do better because this is EARN NOT NUTT OR AEY. My successful is I’ve finish the work in time I do that by making my picture simply as it is. My painting skill need to be improving because it is messy and went not the same direction. He creates how to make a Pual Klee art as you see the art is call Pual Klee. Our work is similar to him because it’s the same kind of art. I think his word is good because it’s a other new kind of painting that I do.