We have got our color wheel project back. I got the bad mark because i hand it in late and I did it not so beautiful. I think I have miss something and not organize my time enough to finish this work. I think I will do much beter next time. I will fixt some problem that i have befor to make it better.
In class we did the practical test about the color wheel project. It was very hard and I think I will be wrong all of my awser. We also do the color that Ms. Pat gave us to mix to be the color on the paper. I need to mix the purple but it has a lot of tone so it's very hard. I didn't make one because it's so hard. But I nearly got it.
In class we have to give Mr. Pat the color wheel project. But I did not give him because I forgot. Then we work on our island from the hummanities class. We was working on taring the paper and we also work on the paper mache. It was very sticky and yucky. But it was so fun and we need to do it very soft and smooth. So it look good and beautiful. We also need to leave it in the room or somewhere that hot or warm so it dry easilly.
PRIMARY COLORS Red, yellow and blue
Yellow, orange,
red, purple,
and green
green and yellow-green
In class I am working on the color wheel. Mr. Pat want us to know how to mix the color. To know that this color make this colr. It was very fun because we get to color and we have alot of fun with mixing color. I have learn how to mix color and know that this color make that color.