Wednesday, May 23, 2007


today in mr pat class i have been continue for 1 period. i have not finish my negative paces yet becasue i still have to mount the work. so on thursday i will do it after school. if the one who finish will do the novel cover.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

16/05/07 Art class

today in art class we continue doing the negative sapces. i've finish my work oready so next week i will work on the new project. the new project is going to be about the book that we are intrest in. it can be any language that we have. i will choose to do Joody Moody as this project. i chose this book because i like it and it is so fun.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


to day in art claas we've been working on the same project as last week. i've finish 2 of the paper oready. so i have to finish to 1 more to finish this project. i also walk around the room to see more info to improve my work or make it better on the next one.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Art in class 2/05/2007

in art class on wednessday i've been working on my new project. we have to create 1 picture in 3 peace of paper. It should be connected, in each paper should have different kind of shade or tones of the color, and we have to only color in the background not a things. I've draw a picture of a table, girl and a tree. I have to paint all the hole inside the things, I also have to sheo the things by painting the background. It was so fun and i started painting oready